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For Anyone Looking To Get Their Slice Of This $20 Billion-Dollar Coaching Pie...
"New Book Reveals How Coaches, Consultants, And Experts Are Consistently
Turning Their Knowledge And Expertise Into $3,000-$10,000 Sales"
While also working less, having more freedom, and more impact.
Hit Play On The Video
What Is 'The Millionaire Expert' Book?
The book that you're about to hold in your hands is:
  • ​The full recipe of what eventually got me out - and kept me out - of the streets...
  • ​Of what got me out - and kept me out - of jail...
  • Of what got me out of the hamster wheel of trading my time for $8.50 an hour...
  • ​Of what got me to LOVE Mondays again...
  • ​Of what allowed me to "retire" wife in her early 30's...
  • ​Of what allows me to be there for my kids - something I didn't have growing up...
  • ​Of what allows me to have 4-day weeks, and 3-day weekends...
  • ​Of what now allows me to give back to our community from my abundance, and not from my sacrifice...
  • ​Of what allows me to now travel the world, run global organization, and a 7-figure business.

What was made all that happen?
Mastering The Exact Process Of How To Turn My Knowledge Into Big Paychecks!
... And helping HUNDREDS of experts to do the same!

So, if you have a gift, a talent, a message, knowledge or expertise that can improve someone's life or business...

YOU OWE IT TO THEM AND TO YOU to turn it into a business!

And this book — plus all the bonuses — will show you EXACTLY how to do that.

This 'Secret' Book Has never been sold Online. Only On live events (for $100) and it always sells out!
(Save $63.00)

Get "The Millionaire Expert" Book for just $100 $37 Plus A Digital Copy Of The Book And 5 Amazing Bonuses! Instant Access. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Now Available For Instant Download
Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

"The Millionaire Expert" book

How Coaches, Consultants and Others Are Turning Their Knowledge & Expertise Into Million Dollar Empires

"The Millionaire Expert" book

How Coaches, Consultants and Others Are Turning Their Knowledge & Expertise Into Million Dollar Empires
5 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

24/7 Lead Machine

Click-by-click Private Training On How To Set Up And Run A "Client Attraction System"

24/7 Lead Machine

Click-by-click Private Training On How To Set Up And Run A "Client Attraction System"

Modern Day Coaching Business Blueprint 

Video training going deeper into all the topics inside the book.

Modern Day Coaching Business Blueprint 

Video training going deeper into all the topics inside the book.

Magnetic Messaging Playbook

The messaging framework used by the top 1% coaches to attract clients. Perfect for emails, web pages, lead magnets, & more!

Magnetic Messaging Playbook

The messaging framework used by the top 1% coaches to attract clients. Perfect for emails, web pages, lead magnets, & more!

Win With Paid Ads

Private training on the ad strategy that we use — post iOS 14 — to bring leads and clients every day.

Win With Paid Ads

Private training on the ad strategy that we use — post iOS 14 — to bring leads and clients every day.

Free Ticket To Our Next Virtual Bootcamp

Join the next "Rapid Business Growth" Virtual Bootcamp for $0

Free Ticket To Our Next Virtual Bootcamp

Join the next "Rapid Business Growth" Virtual Bootcamp for $0
Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
'The Millionaire Expert' is a shortcut
Hope I don't need to preach to the choir here.

By now, you should know that the traditional schooling system is not THE ONLY way of making a living.

In fact...
Why Settle With "Making A Living," When You Could Be Making A Fortune?
As Jim Carrey said:
"You Can Fail Doing What You Don't Want. You Might As Well Take A Chance Doing What You Love!"
... And this book contains the blueprint for just that:

Having the greatest chance of success at doing what you love AND get paid handsomely while doing it!
success stories

"Kito Makes $14k in 24 Hours Literally From The Beach"

"Zhe Surpassed Her 6-Figure Business Goal In Less Than A Year!"

"How Tara Reed Did $60k On A Saturday"

"How David Did $35k In Only 3-4 Days"

Featured in...
⚠️ Warning: Don't Go Any Further If You Want Your Life And Business To Stay The Same
If you get the book, the bonuses, follow the principles, and take ACTION...

You may not be able to recognize your life and business 6, 10, 18 months from now.

And that can be scary for some people!

Being recognized as an expert in a given field, serving hundreds of clients, getting invited to speak on stages, building actual wealth, rubbing shoulders with millionaires... 

These are all byproducts of becoming a millionaire expert...

And it's ALL outside most people's comfort zone!

⚠️ So, proceed only if you're really ready for it.
Dear Future Millionaire Expert
From: The laptop of Marquel Russell
Re: Turning your knowledge, expertise, and passion into consistent $3,000 - $10,000 pay checks (and why this is the fastest way to do it)
Would it surprise you to learn, that I dropped out of 10th grade (not even high-school) and now run a multi-7-figure business using the information revealed in this 128-page book?


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 
so let me prove it to you
But first, read this disclaimer:
I have the benefit of being almost fearless when it comes to taking action, and of having been in business for a decade now.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All purchases entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

Also, the testimonials you'll see on this page are not a promise of results by anecdotes from our clients. They are from people who used the principles contained in the book, and had our help for implementation.

Yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

And it also took time energy for my clients to get their results...
💰 But Boy Is it FUN and WORTH IT! 💰 
They Achieved Those Results By Using the Same Principles That I Share With You On This Book!
The same business model and strategy that experts from all over the world are using right now to start and scale expert-based businesses

...And break income ceilings faster than ever before...

...All while working less, so they can make a great living while also having a great life...

...And actually make the world a better place by helping people solve REAL problems in their life or business.
Just Like Desiree Who Was Able To Quit Her Full Time Job And 4x Her Pricing
Or Mevonnie Who Quit Her Job As A Music Teacher & Grew Her Business Beyond 6-Figures
Or how Cardell and His Wife went from posting and praying to getting clients during a vacation
Now, in case you're thinking that the recent outburst in coaches and consultants is going to "saturate the market"...

You should be aware that...

The Coaching Industry Is a $20 BILLION-Dollar Pie - And Growing Each Year

Plus, the internet has made the whole world your marketplace.

So, if you have an internet connection and an valuable expertise...

There's a HUGE river of money already flowing right next to you.

All you gotta do is grab your bucket and and scoop some of that flowing money for you own...

Or even better, create your own "money canal" (a Client Attraction System) to bring those clients and revenue directly to you.

That's why after hustling on the streets, working on night clubs, and trying a few network marketing businesses...

I decided to take my skills and double down on business coaching, and it COMPLETELY changed the game for me and my family!
I've Put all the foundational elements that allowed me to do All that inside the 128 pages of "The Millionaire Expert" book + Bonuses, which You Can Dive Into In Just Minutes After Your Order!
I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name’s Marquel Russell…

And I've been called a "Marketing Genius", the "King of Clint Attraction", "Your Favorite Entrepreneur's Favorite Entrepreneur"...

But I'm really just a regular guy from Atlanta who decided to put his God-given gifts at the service of others...

And to create massive Economic Empowerment for our black community by helping people grow and scale profitable businesses...

... All while creating a lifestyle that allowed me to be around my wife and kids (something I didn't have while growing up.)

Since starting on this journey I've been able to:
  • ​Get out of the vicious cycle of streets, night clubs, and jail...
  • ​Retire my wife in her 30's...
  • Travel the world several times a year...
  • Help our young black and brown boys also stay out of the streets, and get into entrepreneurship...
  • ​Start my weekends on Thursday afternoons...
  • ​Get published in magazines...
  • ​Receive an honorary doctorate (even though I dropped out 10th grade)...
  • ​Speak and work with hundreds of coaches and consultants...
  • ​Help support hundreds of families through our team members and clients...
  • ​And build generational wealth for my family.
Now, my results are not typical or guaranteed...

In fact, you could say they are exceptional!

Because Most coaches and consultants don't achieve the Results they Want because Their approach To business Is WRONG!
  • They don't specialize, and instead try to serve everybody.
  • They don't have a premium price, and settle with trading a LOT of time for a little bit of money.
  • They only work 1-1, and loose the leverage of impacting more people and scaling, while working less.
  • ​They don't have a client attraction system that brings them leads and clients consistently and predictably.
In fact...

A lot of them have been LIED to.

They are told to "funnel hack" others, and do "low-ticket ascension models" to start their business, but...

If you were to reverse engineer this funnel, you'd be disappointed!

I didn't create an "ascension model" funnel to launch my coaching business.

I tried tho...
You know $7 -> $97 -> $297...
... and FAILED!
In fact, this is the first "low-ticket funnel" I've every done since then...

And we did it only AFTER doing 7 figures in sales for a few years in a row!
That's because I discovered that you DON'T need to start with anything low-ticket...
You can jump straight into the $3,000 - $10,000 range!
Just think about this?
 HOW CAN YOU HIT YOUR INCOME GOALS EASIER? In $297 chunks... or in $5,000 chunks?
 WHO CAN GET MORE OF YOUR FIRST-CLASS SERVICE? Those who give you a few hundred?... or those who give you thousand?
 WHO WILL BE MORE COMMITTED TO YOUR PROGRAM, AND THUS GET BETTER RESULTS? The ones who invest a little?... or those who invest a lot?
The answer to all those questions is the same!
 Jumping straight to having a high-ticket program will help you
 ✅ Hit your income goals faster...
 ✅ Deliver a better service...
 ✅ And help your clients get better results!

And that's what the book is about!
creating Your own high-ticket coaching program is the shortcut to having more profits, more freedom, and more impact!
Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of activity happening in the coaching industry.

New coaches are entering the market every hour!


The VAST majority of them stay in the $30-50k per YEAR range.


I don't know of ANYONE that starts a business wanting to do $30k a year. Do you?

That's why we aim for $30k MONTHS. Turning a yearly income into a monthly income.

Again, this is NOT a promise of results...

But the principles inside the book are the foundation to that.
Here’s The exact 4-Step System Revealed in "the Millionaire Expert" Book For coaches to build a profitable business
  Step 1 - CREATING THE PERFECT BUSINESS MODEL - When grabbing your slice of the $20-BILLION dollar coaching pie, there are only 5 types of products that you can offer. Some are better than others for different stages. We'll get that cleared up right out the gate.
Explained On Page 27
  Step 2 - PICKING A PROFITABLE NICHE - I'll give you the fail-proof three questions to ask yourself about your niche to greatly increase your chances of success.
Explained On Page 39
  Step 3 - ATTRACTING YOUR DREAM CLIENTS - You'll get the same A.C.E. Method that we teach to our clients to attract leads and clients day in, and day out.
Explained On Page 43
  Step 4 - ENROLLING HIGH-PAYING CLIENTS - You'll get the 4 points of our "Effortless Enrollment System" that let's you close high-ticket sales, without being salesy, and even if you "hate" sales.
Explained On Page 51
Now, understanding these principles will get you ahead of the competition, but as the saying goes:
"Show me your habits...
 And I'll show you your future"
Which is why, after the tactics...

The book will also guide you through installing million-dollar habits that help you BECOME the kind of person that's able to run a wildly successful business!
skip the tactics if you want, but DO NOT skip these! - Total game changer!
  Habit 1 - YOUR DAILY SUCCESS LIST - It's said that big doors swing on small hinges. Well, this is one of them! Ignore at your own risk...
Explained On Page 59
  Habit 2 - THE MIND, BODY & SOUL - Not a single person is a millionaire AND fulfilled at the same time, if they don't have these areas of life on lock. The book will guide you simple strategies for you to do so.
Explained On Page 70
  Habit 3 - GOAL-SETTING AND VISUALIZATION - Your mind is a theater where you get to DESIGN how your "life's play" is going to unfold. Here we'll cover how to do it.
Explained On Page 76
  Habit 4 - GRATITUDE AND POSITIVE SELF-TALK - The more grateful you are, the more God or "the universe" gives you things to be grateful for. Also, you can literally create  and destroy things with the power of your words. Use these wisely.
Explained On Page 91
  Habit 5 - ONGOING SELF-DEVELOPMENT - The way we make more money is by BECOMING MORE VALUABLE! And we do that by developing ourselves and our skills, and then putting those at the service of others.
Explained On Page 99
  Habit 6 - FOCUSED STRATEGIC MARKETING PLAN - This is how the little "warmth" can start a fire 🔥... By the power of focus! We'll cover how to go from scattered to focused in your marketing to get the best results from it.
Explained On Page 107
  Habit 7 - INVESTING IN COACHES AND MENTORS FOR RAPID GROWTH - As a coach, you MUST still invest in coaching. I do it all the time! You know why?

Because I know that coaches (like you!) give me back my MOST valuable resource: My TIME!

Coaching speeds up results, and for that alone you need to have a mindset coach and a business coach AT ALL TIMES!

But also, because of the "mirror effect." You attract what you are. If you invest in coaching, you will attract people who want to invest in you.
Explained On Page 114
Here's What's Inside...
  CREATING THE PERFECT BUSINESS MODEL - When grabbing your slice of the $20-BILLION dollar coaching pie, there are only 5 types of products that you can offer. Some are better than others for different stages. We'll get that cleared up right out the gate.
All Explained On Page 27
  PICKING A PROFITABLE NICHE - I'll give you the fail-proof three questions to ask yourself about your niche to greatly increase your chances of success, And 20+ Profitable Niches To Go After.
All Explained On Page 39
  ATTRACTING YOUR DREAM CLIENTS - You'll get the same A.C.E. Method that we teach to our clients to attract leads and clients day in, and day out.
All Explained On Page 43
  ENROLLING HIGH-PAYING CLIENTS - You'll get the 4 points of our "Effortless Enrollment System" that let's you close high-ticket sales, without being salesy, and even if you "hate" sales.
All Explained On Page 51
  Millionaire Habits For Your Morning, Self-Talk, Personal Development, And More
All Explained On Page 59
Get "The Millionaire Expert"
Book & Bonuses
(Save $63.00)

Get "The Millionaire Expert" Book for just $100 $37.00 Plus A Digital Copy Of The Book And 5 Amazing Bonuses! Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Download
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this for?
For coaches, consultants, and expert service providers who want more revenue, more freedom, and more impact.
What is "The Millionaire Expert" Book + Bonuses?
It's literally EVERYTHING a coach or expert would need to start and scale their business. Strategy, personal development, tactics, and more.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
You're getting the physical book sent to your door, and immediate access to the eBook version, and all the digital bonuses. You are also getting an email "implementation experience" to help you put it all together.
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
Other resources, books, or courses tend to focus just in one business area, or tactic. This is all-encompassing. I might even say that — if you get the book & bonuses — you DON'T need anything else to start getting premium clients in your door.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Our bread-and-butter is to do all of the WITH coaches, and roll up our sleeves with them to grow their business. Hopefully, you'll implement everything in this book & bonuses, and be ready to work with us at a deeper level.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes. A ridiculous LIFETIME one. If at any point in your LIFE, you decide that this was not worth it, you can ask us for a refund. You can tell, we're pretty confident about this;)
Get "The Millionaire Expert"
Book & Bonuses
(Save $63.00)

Get "The Millionaire Expert" Book for just $100 $37.00 Plus A Digital Copy Of The Book And 5 Amazing Bonuses! Instant Access. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Download
Included Bonuses

24/7 Lead Machine

Click-by-click Private Training On How To Set Up And Run A "Client Attraction System"

24/7 Lead Machine

Click-by-click Private Training On How To Set Up And Run A "Client Attraction System"

Modern Day Coaching Business Blueprint

Video training going deeper into all the topics inside the book.

Modern Day Coaching Business Blueprint

Video training going deeper into all the topics inside the book.

Magnetic Messaging Playbook

Closely guarded messaging framework the top 1% coaches use to attract clients. Use it to write emails, landing pages, lead magnets, and more!

Magnetic Messaging Playbook

Closely guarded messaging framework the top 1% coaches use to attract clients. Use it to write emails, landing pages, lead magnets, and more!

Win With Paid Ads

Private training on the ad strategy that we use — post iOS 14 — to bring leads and clients every day.

Win With Paid Ads

Private training on the ad strategy that we use — post iOS 14 — to bring leads and clients every day.

Free Ticket To Our Next Virtual Bootcamp

Join the next "Rapid Business Growth" Virtual Bootcamp for $0

Free Ticket To Our Next Virtual Bootcamp

Join the next "Rapid Business Growth" Virtual Bootcamp for $0
More Success Stories...

"How Taurea Avant Made $32,000 From $625 In Ad Spend Working Less Than Ever"

"How Tammi & Sheldon Did 7-Figures In Sales Since Working With Us"

"How Bryant Netted $100K Within 2 Months & Made $20k While On Vacation"

"How OG Kendall Ficklin Increased His Revenue By 50%"

"How Earnest Made Over $1 Million After Within Months Of Learning From Us"

What This Has Done For Me!
What This Has Done For Others
5 Steps To More Revenue, Freedom, & Impact
Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
Plus I'm Going To Give You Five INSANE Bonuses That will help you get BIGGER results, FASTER!

Bonus 1: The 24/7 Lead Machine

This is our end-to-end automated lead generation system, presented in a concise, over the shoulder, click by click workshop that gives you EVERYTHING you need to know to create an automated system to attract 50-100 leads per day that convert into clients.

Bonus 1: The 24/7 Lead Machine

This is our end-to-end automated lead generation system, presented in a concise, over the shoulder, click by click workshop that gives you EVERYTHING you need to know to create an automated system to attract 50-100 leads per day that convert into clients.

Bonus 2: The Modern Day Coaching Business Blueprint

This private training expands on the principles in The Millionaire Expert book and goes deeper into the 4-Step Blueprint to turn your knowledge and expertise into a highly profitable, leveraged and irresistible coaching program that gets your clients results.

Bonus 2: The Modern Day Coaching Business Blueprint

This private training expands on the principles in The Millionaire Expert book and goes deeper into the 4-Step Blueprint to turn your knowledge and expertise into a highly profitable, leveraged and irresistible coaching program that gets your clients results.

Bonus 3: The "Magnetic Messaging" Playbook

The Closely Guarded Formula The Top %1 Coaches & Consultants In The World Use To Create Messaging That Attracts Clients That Happily Pay Premium Prices. This is not even out in the public yet. But you get it with the book. Perfect for dialing-in your message for emails, landing pages, lead magnets, and more.

Bonus 3: The "Magnetic Messaging" Playbook

The Closely Guarded Formula The Top %1 Coaches & Consultants In The World Use To Create Messaging That Attracts Clients That Happily Pay Premium Prices.
This is not even out in the public yet. But you get it with the book.
Perfect for dialing-in your message for emails, landing pages, lead magnets, and more.

Bonus 4: Win With Paid Ads

A private mastermind training where I reveal the FULL paid ads strategy that we use — post iOS 14 — to attract leads and clients for our business and consistently get 400% ROI on ad spend.

Bonus 4: Win With Paid Ads

A private mastermind training where I reveal the FULL paid ads strategy that we use — post iOS 14 — to attract leads and clients for our business and consistently get 400% ROI on ad spend.

Bonus 5: Free Ticket To The Next "Rapid Business Growth" Virtual Bootcamp

The "Rapid Business Growth" virtual bootcamp is hands-down our most transformational online event. "In ONE Day, Get The Only System Required to Rapidly Grow Your Coaching Business & Attract Clients Daily That Happily Pay You Premium Prices Without Sales Resistance."

Bonus 5: Free Ticket To The Next "Rapid Business Growth" Virtual Bootcamp

The "Rapid Business Growth" virtual bootcamp is hands-down our most transformational online event.
In ONE Day, Get The Only System Required to Rapidly Grow Your Coaching Business & Attract Clients Daily That Happily Pay You Premium Prices Without Sales Resistance.
Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.


The CRAZIEST Money-Back Guarantee On The Internet


As simple and as crazy as it sounds.

If at any point in your LIFE... 

... You decide that the book and all the bonuses were not worth the money, send us an email to wecare @ clientattractionunversity dot com, show us your receipt, and you'll get your money back.

Yes... if you're a "serial refunder" you can take advantage of us.

But if you are a serial refunder you have bigger problems than a book you didn't like:)

You do you! What goes around comes around. We'll keep our promise anyway!
I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And, yes... There is a catch.

By giving you ALL OF THIS for $37.00, I'm "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it, IMPLEMENT IT, and that - when you're ready to take your business to the next level - you'll come to us and join Client Attraction University
But also, the truth is that...


My mission is to help thousands of coaches become millionaires.
By lowering the price to $37.00 it allows me to impact more people and help them start profitable coaching businesses that give them more revenue, more freedom, and more impact.
Beyond here, I'm not going to apply any "pressure tactics."

I trust you recognize a GREAT DEAL when you see one.

In fact, your whole entrepreneurial journey depends on you making GOOD DECISIONS!

And you have the chance to prove that you're an entrepreneur that can make good decisions... right now.
In fact... this is not even an "offer"
This is basically a "business IQ test":)
And it's your chance to prove that you're smart enough to get the full blueprint (and two amazing bonuses!) to kickstart your coaching business... for pennies on the dollar.
(Save $63.00)

Get "The Millionaire Expert" Book for just $100 $37.00 Plus A Digital Copy Of The Book And 5 Amazing Bonuses! Instant Access. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Download
I’ll talk to you in our private FB Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you download your copy of "The Millionaire Expert" and all its bonuses.

Until then, to your success,

Marquel Russell
"King of Client Attraction"

P.S. Remember, the "The Millionaire Expert" book & bonuses comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee On The Internet.

Download it, read it, watch the bonuses, implement them, get results.

And if you’re not happy for any reason - just let us know and we’ll refund you no questions asked.

"The Millionaire Expert" book

How Coaches, Consultants and Others Are Turning Their Knowledge & Expertise Into Million Dollar Empires

"The Millionaire Expert" book

How Coaches, Consultants and Others Are Turning Their Knowledge & Expertise Into Million Dollar Empires
5 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

24/7 Lead Machine

Click-by-click Private Training On How To Set Up And Run A "Client Attraction System"

24/7 Lead Machine

Click-by-click Private Training On How To Set Up And Run A "Client Attraction System"

Modern Day Coaching Business Blueprint

Video training going deeper into all the topics inside the book.

Modern Day Coaching Business Blueprint

Video training going deeper into all the topics inside the book.

Magnetic Messaging Playbook

Closely guarded messaging framework the top 1% coaches use to attract clients. Use it to write emails, landing pages, lead magnets, and more!

Magnetic Messaging Playbook

Closely guarded messaging framework the top 1% coaches use to attract clients. Use it to write emails, landing pages, lead magnets, and more!

Win With Paid Ads

Private training on the ad strategy that we use — post iOS 14 — to bring leads and clients every day.

Win With Paid Ads

Private training on the ad strategy that we use — post iOS 14 — to bring leads and clients every day.

Free Ticket To Our Next Virtual Bootcamp

Join the next "Rapid Business Growth" Virtual Bootcamp for $0

Free Ticket To Our Next Virtual Bootcamp

Join the next "Rapid Business Growth" Virtual Bootcamp for $0
More success stories...

"How Kelli 10x'd Her Email List & Start Having 5-Figure Months"

"How 14-Year Old, Christon 'The Truth' Jones, Started Having 6-Figure Month"

"How Dr. Jasmine Was Able To Make $30k In 30 Days & 6-Figures In 6 Months (while only working a few hours per day)"

"How Mike Williams Went From Overworked & Underpaid To $100k In Sales In 90 Days"

Here's Everything You're Getting Today... 
Included With Your Order

"The Millionaire Expert" Book

Paperback (delivered in 3 days approx) and eBook, available immediately.
Included With Your Order

24/7 Lead Machine

Private video training. Instant Access.
Included With Your Order

Modern-Day Coaching Business Blueprint

Private video training. Instant Access.
Included With Your Order

"Magnetic Messaging" Playbook

Practical guide and in-depth call recording. Instant Access.
Included With Your Order

Win With Paid Ads

Private video training. Instant Access.
Included With Your Order

Free Ticket To Our Next Virtual Bootcamp

Dates and Zoom link to be sent by email.
Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
Only 100 $37 Today
Start reading the eBook in the next 2 minutes.
 Frequently Asked Questions
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
You're getting the physical book sent to your door, and immediate access to the eBook version, and all the digital bonuses. You are also getting an email "implementation experience" to help you put it all together.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Our bread-and-butter is to do all of the WITH coaches, and roll up our sleeves with them to grow their business. Hopefully, you'll implement everything in this book & bonuses, and be ready to work with us at a deeper level.
Who is this for?
For coaches, consultants, and expert service providers who want more revenue, more freedom, and more impact.
What is "The Millionaire Expert" Book & Bonuses
It's literally EVERYTHING a coach or expert would need to start and scale their business. Strategy, personal development, tactics, and more.
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
Other resources, books, or courses tend to focus just in one business area, or tactic. This is all-encompassing. I might even say that — if you get the book & bonuses — you DON'T need anything else to start getting premium clients in your door.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes. A ridiculous LIFETIME one. If at any point in your LIFE, you decide that this was not worth it, you can ask us for a refund. You can tell, we're pretty confident about this;)
Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
This product is brought to you and copyrighted by Client Attraction University - Copyright ©2022
The testimonials, reviews, client results, and client earnings presented on Client Attraction University's websites and social media pages are those of previous or existing clients who purchased and used Client Attraction University's information, products, or services. All testimonials and reviews are voluntary, unpaid, and no clients were provided with free products, services, or any benefits in exchange for their testimonial or review. The testimonials and reviews are presented verbatim except for grammatical and typing corrections, edits for clarity, edits to remove extraneous information, and edits to fit an allotted amount of space. The client results and earnings presented in testimonials and reviews are not typical, they represent the unique experiences of specific clients, and they are not representative of all clients. The results achieved by any person who purchases products or services from Client Attraction University will vary based on several factors including an individual’s background, business experience, capacity, and work ethic. All business involves some unknown risks that can reduce the results any individual experiences. Client Attraction University does not guarantee that any individual will experience identical or similar results to that of any client depicted. Client Attraction University is not liable for the success or failure of your business whether in/directly related to the purchase of Client Attraction University information, products, or services.

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